Archive | January, 2012

Snow and Archery in MI:)

16 Jan

Gracie checking out the snow:)

Not sure what setting I'm supposed to use to capture good night snow shot, but this will do I guess:)

Shoveling my driveway is a good workout I have to say!

This shot is on my road as I head to check out the boys do their archery...I don't mind driving in this weather when there is no one else on the road...

...lakes aren't frozen yet which I know makes ice fishermen not too happy yet! 😦

Sure is pretty though! I wish I had a fireplace to cozy up too...

...this is a shot of a house my parents had been looking into buying awhile ago...they would have liked it:) Still on my way to archery to see the boys!

And, here they are! I had the boys pose before they started...this is their second week...:)

They are very helpful here and patient in teaching the boys...there were at least 13 kids here this Saturday. Just a really nice atmosphere and they teach what the parts of the bows are. It refreshed me on wanting to do it again I have to say:)

Garret is dutifully watching Gage and ready for his turn...they have two rows depending on number of kids and each kid shoots 3 arrows before the next line goes up and then after each row is done...

...each walk up to get their you can see Garret in yellow...he has to be first:) They all have to walk though and Garret speed walks...LOL:D

Here's Garret lined up...Joanie, the lady you see, she helped line Garret up with his elbow and he, as well as, Gage are really getting the hang of it! So neat to just shows you the more you expose your kids to the more well-rounded they become and it doesn't matter if they are Autistic or not!

Here's Gage at the line again...I love his seriousness about wanting to do it "right".

I stopped at Prairie View Park afterwards...boys and Steve went sledding and walking through woods...I just took a few pics. Well, as I always say, MI is so beautiful...and I love how the boys are exposed to the outdoor activities and possible adventures hunting here in this great State! 🙂 Life is good!

A Little Day Trip Last Weekend!

13 Jan

Sometimes it’s just nice to get away…Kelly and I decided to do just that…

...the day was just beautiful...the sun...the wonderful clouds made for a crisp morning!

The drive itself just puts you in the mood to do a little shopping, have a fun lunch and find some treasures! 🙂

There are places to stay!

Landscapes so beautiful...Lake Michigan is just past the trees!

Little towns to drive thru!

Neat business places to view!

This is a business that closes in the winter months but I've been in there and it still looks so amazing as we drove by!

We arrived!

Lunch was just wonderful! We were right by the fireplace with the best waiter, Richard! The food was beyond fabulous...beyond!

The stores in Saugatuck were just waiting for us:)

The treasures I found were beyond! Mom, The fishing basket is for you! I love you and you are the best mom in the world! I hope you was just too perfect of a find. The tray was a great find as well...the log thing is a nutcracker type thing I thought Steve and the boys would want and the little silver thing is a compact I just love!

So, to more little day trips to come in 2012…this was the first and so far the best:)